Editor Overview -2 2006 The editor’s interface has three main predefined sections: The top navigation bar, the left panel, and the content area. Each... Tags: Website Builder
Manage and import content in Website Builder -1 2019 Provides a place to store and retrieve images, files, and information for your website. The Content Library makes adding new... Tags: Website Builder
Adding sections in Website Builder -1 2003 Sections are pre-built rows of elements which users can add to their responsive websites. Sections enable users to build great... Tags: Website Builder
Copy and Paste in Website Builder -2 1975 Creating your website takes time and dedication. You can make this process easier and more efficient by using the Copy... Tags: Website Builder
Global Design in Website Builder -1 2339 The Global Design section lets you make global changes that affect your entire site. You can customise your site’s text,... Tags: Website Builder
Setting the Global Text in Website Builder 0 1555 Change the style and look of the text on your entire website. You can change font type, size, and also... Tags: Website Builder
Arranging Content in Website Builder -1 1694 How you arrange the content on your Website is really important. Arranging content well makes it easy for visitors to... Tags: Website Builder
Pages and Popups in Website Builder 0 1653 The Pages & Popups section is a major part of your Website. The Pages section allows you to reorder, manage... Tags: Website Builder
Keyboard Shortcuts when using Website Builder 0 1777 Keyboard Shortcuts are combinations of keys that perform certain tasks when pressed simultaneously. Usually, these tasks require the use of... Tags: Website Builder
Using the Colours Menu in Website Builder 0 1871 The Colours Menu allows you to select colours for a widget or background. You can select a colour from the... Tags: Website Builder