What’s the difference between .com, .net, .org domain names? 210 66148 When you are choosing a domain name, one of the things you need to consider is what comes after the... Tags: Domains
Registrar, Registry, Registrant – what does it all mean? 3 13543 Registrar A “Registrar” (or “Domain Name Registrar”) is an organisation like Register365.com, Network Solutions, Enom or Godaddy that has control... Tags: Domains
What do you need to register a .ie domain name? -7 4464 Anyone who can prove a connection to the island of Ireland can register a .ie domain name. All .ie domains... Tags: Domains
Green Web Hosting: How to add a domain name 0 571 Step 1 If you are on Green Webhosting Enthusiast or higher, you can have more than one domain name attached... Tags: DomainsHostingWebsites
What happens to a Domain Name once it expires? 0 940 This guide will go through the different domains and what happens to them one they have passed their expiration date.... Tags: AccountDomains
Changing the Legal Registrant of a Domain Name -1 571 Legal Registrant Details are required to outline the owner of the domain name. These details need to be accurate and... Tags: AccountDomainsOnline Control Panel
How to validate a .com Domain Name 0 654 Once you have registered a domain name, you will be asked to Verify your Domain Name. An email will be... Tags: Domain ValidationDomains
How to set up Email Forwarding 0 877 This guide will help you to use a Domain Name to forward to an email address. For example, you might... Tags: DomainsEmailForwarding
How to transfer a Domain Name away from us -1 1262 This guide will help you to transfer your Domain Name away from us. We regret to hear about your intention... Tags: AccountDomainsTransfer
How to Register a Domain Name -1 1107 This guide will help you to register your Domain Name to use for your online journey. For this, you will... Tags: AccountDomains