Webmail – The Basics -5 16758 This article sets out to teach the basic and most common functions of Webmail. Whilst we aim to cover everything,... Tags: WebMail
Writing a new Email -4 2426 – To begin composing an email, select the Compose icon as indicated in the image below: – Now that you’ve... Tags: WebMail
Creating a new contact 0 3568 – Within Webmail it is possible for you to build a list of Personal Addresses, and share a list of... Tags: WebMail
Quick Add contacts in WebMail 0 2587 You can quickly add the sender of any emails you have received, using a shortcut in the headers, found at... Tags: WebMail
Vacation Messages 3 3017 Vacation messages (also called Out-Of-Office Replies or Autoresponders) lets you send an automated reply to any email you receive. This... Tags: WebMail
Importing and exporting address book contacts in Webmail 0 3930 – Webmail accepts the import of Email contacts in a .CSV or vCard format, so if you have a contact... Tags: WebMail
Manually Importing Address Book, Preferences & Calendars 0 1836 – Your Address Book, Preferences & Calendars should be imported automatically when you begin to use WebMail 5, this import... Tags: WebMail
Add new address book contacts in WebMail -1 2982 – Within Webmail it is possible for you to build a list of Personal Addresses, and share a list of... Tags: WebMail
Application Preferences in WebMail 0 1919 – Within the ‘User Interface’ section of webmail, you can define the way your webmail interface appears and what language... Tags: WebMail
Blacklisting Email Addresses in WebMail 0 1884 – At some point when using webmail you may wish to block some Email addresses from being able to send... Tags: WebMail