How to Edit the Hosts File in macOS -1 2239 The hosts file is a text file that maps hostnames to IP addresses.Upon typing a url address on the browser,... Tags: DNSManaged ServersMigrationServers
Modifying the Windows Hosts File -1 2965 Windows contains a file named hosts that allows you to override where your browser looks for a website. This is useful when... Tags: Managed ServersMigrationServers
Common Database Configuration File Locations -1 2523 WordPress configuration file location: httpdocs/wp-config.php /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', '** new password here **'); Joomla configuration file location:... Tags: 3rd Party ApplicationsManaged ServersServers
Using PEAR Modules 0 2083 PEAR modules should be installed within your website rather than globally onto the server itself, the advantage this provides primarily... Tags: Managed ServersServers
Sending Emails via Alternate SMTP Ports -4 3644 Some ISPs block email on the standard SMTP port of 25. There are several ways around this if you find... Tags: EmailManaged ServersServers
Email Message is Showing Exceeded Fixed Message Size 0 1836 You may receive an error message when attempting to send larger emails that the email has exceeded the fixed message... Tags: EmailManaged ServersServers
How do I access my Plesk control panel? -1 2621 You can log into Plesk by pointing your browser to (replace with a domain pointed at your server). This will take you... Tags: FAQsPleskServers
How do I retrieve the Plesk admin password? 0 1799 To retrieve the Plesk admin panel password, just follow these steps: On Linux:SSH to your server, switch to root and... Tags: FAQsPleskServers
Backup Settings – Plesk 12 0 1730 First, log into your Plesk control panel and then click on Tools and Settings from the main menu. Click on Backup Settings in section Tools... Tags: BackupsPleskServers
Backups – Domain Backup – Plesk 12 0 1779 First, log into your Plesk control panel and then click on Domains from the main menu. Click on Domain Name you would like to... Tags: BackupsPleskServers