How do I adjust the action log retention period (Plesk 12) ? 0 1416 The action logs can be used to monitor changes made to the Plesk panel. Actions by a user including changes... Tags: PleskFAQsServers
How do I change Plesk Administrator password ? 0 1409 After logging in to your Plesk Control panel, select Change Password Enter old password followed by your new password and confirmation. Click OK to... Tags: PleskFAQsServers
How do I change the web statistics version in (Plesk 12) ? 0 22853 Webstats can be using to monitor the traffic to a specific website. Log into Plesk panel. Click on subscriptions. Select the Domain name... Tags: ServersPleskFAQs
How do I change Webmail version (Plesk 12)? 0 1306 First, log into your Plesk control panel and then click on Domains from the main menu. Select the domain name. Now click on... Tags: FAQsPleskServers
How do I edit firewall rules in Plesk? 0 1676 In order to edit firewall rules in Plesk, just follow these steps: Once you are logged into Plesk (you’ll need... Tags: PleskFAQsServers
How do I restart Plesk based services (Plesk 12)? -1 1794 Plesk based Services can be restarted in the Panel. Click on the Tools & Settings -> Services Management Click on the Yellow... Tags: PleskServersFAQs
How do I change domain forwarding options (Plesk 12) ? 0 1573 Changing the forwarding URL option from frame forwarding – keeping the domain name in the address bar to forwarding to... Tags: ServersPleskFAQs
How do I enable Outgoing email Limitation Plesk 12? 0 1285 New feature integrated in Plesk 12. Click on Tools and Settings in Left Hand Panel. Click on Mail Server Settings. Scroll Down to... Tags: PleskFAQsServers
How do I change Additional Administrator password? 0 1405 Additional Plesk Administrator can be used to assign personnel with administrator login allowing greater track ability in the event of... Tags: PleskFAQsServers
How do I check the website – access / ftp / error logs for a domain? (Plesk 12) 0 1945 The Plesk logs can be used to identify errors in the website code. FTP logs can be used to identify... Tags: ServersPleskFAQs