How to add Google Analytics tracking to your store 0 1320 Follow these steps to add Google Analytics tracking to your store: Log into the administration area of your store Click... Tags: Ecommerce
Using Paypal with your Ecommerce Shop 0 1634 To integrate your PayPal account with your shop first log into your administrator area via your Online Control Panel. Once... Tags: Ecommerce
Can I add a Facebook ‘like’ button to my website? 0 1590 Yes, you can add a Facebook button to your website, they can appear on your products page or on your... Tags: Ecommerce
Implementing New VAT Rules for Downloadable Products with Ecommerce 0 1321 Law change in 2015: How to define tax rates for digital products and services New VAT regulations for digital products... Tags: Ecommerce
I’ve made changes to my site, but I can’t see them when I visit my store! -2 1664 This is probably because you have not cleared your store’s cache. Any changes you make to your store are cached... Tags: Ecommerce
How do I set the weight of a product? 0 1248 Pick out the product from your product list (Products and then select Products from the drop down menu) Click on Display delivery information at the... Tags: Ecommerce
Can I import my own customer/product data from Excel? 0 1022 Yes, although the data needs to match the structure that the store is expecting. With this in mind, the easiest... Tags: Ecommerce
Can I show prices inclusive/exclusive of VAT? 0 983 Yes, you can toggle whether VAT is displayed or not. Log into the administration area of your store and click... Tags: Ecommerce
Where can I get further assistance? 0 957 Should you require any further assistance regarding our Ecommerce products, please click on the Help link from within the main... Tags: Ecommerce
Importing and Exporting Data -1 1594 Q: How can I easily import data into my shop? I want to quickly create lots of products. The import/export... Tags: Ecommerce