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How to register a .ie domain name – politician

Are you an Irish politician that wants to get a .ie domain?

If you are in politics in Ireland, then it’s really easy to get your .ie domain name.

if you want to keep your domain name for longer than your political term, we recommend that you register your .ie as an individual.

To show your connection to the island of Ireland or evidence of personal identity, please provide ONE of the following:

Requirements if applying as an individual:

  • Irish Passport.
  • Irish / UK drivers licence (showing an address in the island of Ireland).
  • Irish / Northern Irish bank statement (showing an address in the island of Ireland).
  • Official College ID (issued by any educational institution recognised by the Department of Education).
  • Department of Social Protection issued Public Services Card.
  • Correspondence from Ireland’s Revenue Commissioners (showing your PPS number).

Requirements if applying as an sitting or standing politician:

  • certificate showing that he/she is an official candidate/ politician at National (32 counties) or European level, which can be verified by an election officer.
  • in the case of Northern Ireland, a returning officer, or a person who is officially contesting any of the offices or seats in the immediate run up to an election is eligible to apply for a domain name. (Any politician representing the 32 counties – e.g.: MEP, TD, or Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly).

If you apply as a sitting or standing politician, a signed letter, on official letterhead, from you as the politician confirming your eligibility to register a domain name is also required. If you cease to be a sitting politician, or fail to be elected, you must have your domain name deactivated after due notice.

Grab your .ie domain – Search now

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