Hannah Bushell – Legal Counsel (and mum of two)
It seems a little strange to continue with the name “Isolation Diaries” given that the world has partially started turning and someone that I don’t live with served me a glass of wine and a meal in a pub yesterday. But things are still unfamiliar in lots of ways.

I am still sharing my work space with a rogue colleague who has put up a cricket poster behind my once tidy desk (it’s of Ben Stokes if you care about cricket…). He had a virtual court hearing yesterday so I was relegated to the kitchen table for a couple of hours. I know I’ve mentioned this before BUT I MISS MY DESK AND I MISS THE OFFICE.
It feels as though there are two distinct camps in the Covid world, those who are relishing home working and those of us who would love nothing more than a day in the office. Surely the ideal solution is combination of the two when we are able to, and when it is safe. At Register365 our customer support colleagues are now back in the office, so maybe I’ll get my wish of a day here and there before the year is out! Who knew that would be on my 2020 Christmas list.
Due to childcare restrictions, the four-year-old is at home all summer because neither her new school or old creche are running holiday clubs. We are about half way through the holidays and just about surviving, although she’s watching about 20 hours of TV a day and I’m having to bribe my mum with wine to do a spot of babysitting.
I kept telling myself it’s a life skill to learn to be bored and that she’ll cherish the memories of being at home this summer, that is until last Thursday… We want for a walk to get a coffee (for me, not her, we still have some rules) and she tripped, fell, and cracked her head off the curb. Cue tears, panic, an old tissue and a call to 112. She’s fine but her forehead is still a bit Klingon-esq and I don’t think she’s up for any more impromptu coffee runs.
Amongst the juggle though, we did go to the beach so times have definitely changed since I started this blog! Things do continue to be a rollercoaster (or coronacoaster, get it?!) – you never know what’s going to happen next. Recent highlights (or low lights) have included: the baby letting the hamster out of its cage, multiple wasp stings and use of the family slide for activities usually confined to the toilet. I’ll leave you to use your imagination with that one. The baby also learned to climb out of his cot and we found him wandering around the garden shouting “No nap, no nap, no nap!”. It was probably his first taste of true freedom, which we can definitely all relate to at the moment…