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Have you got all your domain bases covered?

Domain Names, New gTLDs

Have you got all your domain bases covered?

Value the Classics

Classic domain extensions such as .com, and .net are well established on the web and recognised by everyone making them unlikely to ever go out of fashion. They are a staple choice, a great foundation for your website and already have a strong foothold in search engines.

With today’s changing domain landscape and the introduction of so many new extensions, it’s never been more important to value the strong and steadfast names for your website.

Discover the Contemporary

Why do I need any of the new domain extensions you might ask? New gTLD’s are about choice and targeting. Tell your visitors who you really are and attract users looking for specific products, services and information on the web.

How do I use multiple domains with my site?

Securing your .com and using this for the basis of your website will give you broader global appeal and a strong sense of user confidence. If your .com isn’t available then .net is a great alternative, why compromise on the domain you want when you can simply choose the next best global extension.

We would also recommend you register the domain extension for the country in which you operate to show your market where you’re based.  This can also improve consumer confidence as ccTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain) registries require that you have a local presence / connection to register their ccTLD, and will verify this information.  This is particularly seen with the .ie (Ireland) and .uk (United Kingdom) extensions.

How do I choose the right new gTLD for my site?

This decision will depend on what you’re trying to say. If you’re based in London and you want to boost your profile in the capital, then registering .london and forwarding it to your .com website would allow you to target your London audience. You could run specific advertising campaigns with this new web address or hand out business cards to your new contacts using it, instantly showing your connection with the big city whilst still retaining your .com address for further appeal. New domains are also great for targeting customers on search engines. A user might type in, ‘dressmaker London’, your business will be more noticeable as ‘, for example.

How long should I keep a domain name for? 

With the classic domains we would always recommend that you secure these domains and don’t let them go! The last thing you want is for a competitor, or a fraudster to get hold of these. Also the length of time you have a domain name for can help to improve its domain authority, which can improve search engine rankings.

With so many contemporary new gTLD’s to choose from, there’s nothing wrong with registering those you are interested in, and seeing how they fit with your business and marketing plans for the next 2, 3 or even 5 years. If you find they aren’t working for you, you can simply choose not to renew. Just remember though, if you change your mind after you’ve let a domain name go, it may be hard, or even impossible, to get it back.

There are some fantastic new extensions that can show off your personal or business website such as .club, .photography, and .expert, why not take a chance and discover what they could do for you?