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Five authoring tips for a compelling business blog

Tips & Tricks


Many people assume that writing a business blog is a relatively simple affair. There are, however, some basic guidelines that will make all the difference and will help you get noticed. Here are five tips for your business blog.


Filling your blog with adverts may appear to be the best way to make money but this is not the case. Until your blog is truly up and running and has a reasonable and reliable following, adverts will be counterproductive. Google is smarter than you think and what you need is a good ranking which will come from your content not from the number of adverts you have posted. Be patient and if your blog is working well, the adverts will come.


Writing a blog is not something you can do when the mood takes you. You need to update your content on a regular basis. There is a temptation to start with dozens of posts and then, as the novelty of the project wanes, so does the frequency of the content. Make a plan for your business blog like keeping a diary and stick to it. There will be times when this will be a challenge but a good blog always has something new, whatever the weather.


Researching your subject will keep your blog interesting and topical. The wonder of the internet will provide you with plenty of material that you can share with your readers. Don’t overdo your launch with everything you know about your subject all in one go. The trickle approach will keep people coming back. You need to establish yourself as an expert so that your audience will come to you for the latest news. Spicing up your business blog with relevant data will make people increasingly rely on you and keep them coming back for more.


It is all too easy to copy other people but avoid doing this at all costs. Your business blog needs to be original and search engines will know if you are plagiarising other sites and this will cost you dearly. Google will know if you are cheating. By all means, check out what else is out there but then make sure your material is really your own and truly original. The statistics may be identical but the presentation needs to be authentic.


Choosing a domain name for your blog is probably the most important decision you will make. The name you select is going to stay with you in the same way that we all live with the identity that a parent gives us as a child. It is probably true to say that ‘short is sweet’ when it comes to choosing an identity. Remember that your audience is going to have to type your address correctly. We are all inherently lazy and will be tempted to choose the easy option so opt for something relevant, catchy and not complicated. There are plenty of domain names available to buy.